What’s How2Power.com?
A website created to help electronics and electrical engineers solve real-world design challenges in power conversion. It’s both an online power electronics publication and an information portal.
Who can benefit from How2Power.com?
Both power electronics specialists and non-specialists. Learn more…
What can visitors do at How2Power.com?
Find in-depth, practical articles on how to design power converters, power supplies and power systems; read about new power electronics technology & trends, and find power supply experts. Learn more…
What’s different about How2Power.com?
The site offers practical power design information with greater depth, from a wider range of free authoritative sources, enhanced “searchability,” greater convenience (no registration required) and reader friendliness (no pop-up ads). Learn more…
Who writes for How2Power.com?
Experts in industry including special contributors such as Dennis Feucht, Steve Sandler, Kevin Parmenter, Christophe Basso, Timothy Hegarty, Gregory Mirsky and Viktor Vogman and approximately 200 other engineers in industry. Learn more…
David Morrison, Editor, How2Power.com, See “About the Editor” below.
Who Is the How2Power.com Audience?
Engineers working in diverse industries as well as instructors, researchers and engineering students at numerous universities and research labs. Learn more…
Who Supports How2Power.com?
The site is supported by vendor advertising.
How Can I Contact How2Power.com?
For questions about editorial or advertising, contact David Morrison via email or call 631-269-4540.
About the Editor
David G. Morrison launched the How2Power.com website and the How2Power Today newsletter in 2009.
Prior to founding How2Power.com, David served as a tech editor at Power Electronics Technology, Electronic Design and Electronic Products magazines. Learn more…
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and many other conferences and tradeshows. Learn more…
What engineers are saying about How2Power.com
“I would like to commend you for this initiative {How2Power.com] which I believe can help us researchers to get a good grasp on the status quo of modern power conversion technologies. This eventually can prove pivotal in enhancing quality of research as well.”—A.R.
“An excellent publication…How2Power provides excellent technical content, enabling engineers to learn actually relevant technical things. There are almost no independent industry publications now providing in-depth technical articles that are not on the 1st-year college or DIY amateur level....Thank you very much, please keep it up!”—V.M.
“Sincere congrats for How2Power, a place really easy to navigate and find interesting material.”—A.V.
“Thanks for having created this H2P website. Awesome.”—A.D.
“The index on the advanced search page makes browsing a delight.”—D.P.
“I would say, this How2Power Today is a perfect Power electronics R&D related newsletter. I have forwarded [the] link to so [many] of my friends working in various industries. Also allow me to quote: It provides pdf files. ”—R.K.
“How2Power Today is my preferred newsletter and it truly raised the bar for the quality of the articles.—P.N.
“It's hard to find good websites on power conversion, and yours is nicely organized with good depth”—B.M.
“How2Power Today newsletter is a very good publication. Also, Dennis Feucht's articles are the best.” —C.P
“Good luck with your business. It is a wonderful service.”—B.H.
“I find that the Advanced Search page is indeed so convenient to hunt for papers, topics and reference designs, and I believe it will be [a] help for me in my job.”—C.H.
“Very nice website and information.“—P.A.
“I find your newsletter to be one of the better ones so keep up the quality articles. ”—B.J.